Sunday, July 18, 2010

Muscle Soreness

Ohhhhh.... the pain:( It takes alot out've you to run 56 miles in 5 days. So i finished my cross country camp and i have plenty of blisters on my feet to prove it. So many times i wanted to give up but i pushed myself to keep going. I had to push the hardest i ever had to to finish a 17 miler through the mountains along the california coast!

But sadly i became burnt out after 3 days and was tapped out on a 10 miler in the morning of the 4th day. I was pushing and pushing up hills through the heat of the day for about 5 miles when finally, after running up a hill the steepness of a CLIFF!!!, i was forced by exhaustion to drop out of the run. I felt like the biggest wimp ever! But i made up for it on the last run of the camp, a 6 miler, which was along the coast. It was a long grusome week but i enjoyed ever minute of it:) I cant wait till the races start, this seasons gonna ROCK!!!!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Intro: My Sport

What up, this is Guitarman and this is my very first blog. Well lets see where to start... I'm a high school kid (hence the name "teenage chronicles") and I'm enjoying it.
One of the best sports in high school (in my opinion) is cross country! It'll get you in the best shape ever:) At my school our team is having summer practice, its pretty enjoyable (i mean who wouldn't want to run for miles on end in the hot summer heat, have the sorest legs you have ever had in your life!!! and get GYNORMOUS blisters on your feet right:) Okay so maybe that's a slight exaggeration but the sports is still fun and rewarding. For most sports you will be required to be tough, strong, and willing to learn the techniques and skills required for your specific sport. For cross country however, you have to be HARDCORE, there are no breaks in this sport! Everyone is going to the starting line and you wont get water or rest until you finish the task at hand.

The races will push you past your limits in ways you never thought possible. You will be required to run till you have no energy left and then push harder to catch one more opponent or subtract those precious seconds off your former race time. But anyways, back to my summer practice:) Our basic week consist of 2 t0 3 intense interval runs and 2 to 3 recover (or distance) runs. On occasion our interval training will be replaced by a fast paced 6-10 mile run. Next week our teams going to the coast for our summer camp:) Every day will consist of 2 runs (morning and evening). The runs will vary from intense 8 mile runs to the ever so GRUELING 17 mile endurance run!!! Make it through the week of this torture and you will be ready to enter the elite athlete category. I'm quit looking forward to this BARBAROUS week of PAIN!!! It will definitely help me meet my expectations for my 5k times.
Well, that's is my very first blog. Semi short but down to the point:) Hope you enjoyed and hope you will come back to read more of my Teenage Chronicles