Sunday, July 18, 2010

Muscle Soreness

Ohhhhh.... the pain:( It takes alot out've you to run 56 miles in 5 days. So i finished my cross country camp and i have plenty of blisters on my feet to prove it. So many times i wanted to give up but i pushed myself to keep going. I had to push the hardest i ever had to to finish a 17 miler through the mountains along the california coast!

But sadly i became burnt out after 3 days and was tapped out on a 10 miler in the morning of the 4th day. I was pushing and pushing up hills through the heat of the day for about 5 miles when finally, after running up a hill the steepness of a CLIFF!!!, i was forced by exhaustion to drop out of the run. I felt like the biggest wimp ever! But i made up for it on the last run of the camp, a 6 miler, which was along the coast. It was a long grusome week but i enjoyed ever minute of it:) I cant wait till the races start, this seasons gonna ROCK!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Surprisingly, I actually miss you. Come home from camp now!

